Integrating Code Syntax on a Blog or Website.

As a developer, one is used to seeing code snippets formatted in a specific way. Eg:

public class FormatCodeClass{
 public void showFormattedMethod()
Fortunately, most websites that support these snippets use some kind of library that can be used to render this easily. The one that I use on my blog is called Google Pretty Print. I'll be explaining how to integrate this into your website/Blogger.

 Step 1) Add the library to your HTML above the <body> tag

Click on Themes, then on Edit HTML.

Search for the <body> tag and copy <script src=''/> above it.

 Step 2) Add in your preferred CSS above the </head> tag

<!--Desert theme-->
<style type='text/css'>pre .atn,pre .kwd,pre .tag{font-weight:700}pre.prettyprint{display:block;background-color:#333}pre .nocode{background-color:none;color:#000}pre .str{color:#ffa0a0}pre .kwd{color:khaki}pre .com{color:#87ceeb}pre .typ{color:#98fb98}pre .lit{color:#cd5c5c}pre .pln,pre .pun{color:#fff}pre .tag{color:khaki}pre .atn{color:#bdb76b}pre .atv{color:#ffa0a0}pre .dec{color:#98fb98}ol.linenums{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#AEAEAE}li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8{list-style-type:none}@media print{pre.prettyprint{background-color:none}code .str,pre .str{color:#060}code .kwd,pre .kwd{color:#006;font-weight:700}code .com,pre .com{color:#600;font-style:italic}code .typ,pre .typ{color:#404;font-weight:700}code .lit,pre .lit{color:#044}code .pun,pre .pun{color:#440}code .pln,pre .pln{color:#000}code .tag,pre .tag{color:#006;font-weight:700}code .atn,pre .atn{color:#404}code .atv,pre .atv{color:#060}}</style>

For more themes, go to Themes for Google Pretty Print.

Step 3) Annotate your code snippets in your posts

In your post, go to the HTML add the below:

<pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">YOUR CODE HERE</code></pre> 

Note that the multiple languages are supported. 

For more info on Google's Pretty Print, see their Github Repo.


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