Android App Update! Would You Rather Kids v1.2

Hello there travellers.

It's been quite a while since my last post (and update to my app!). Looking back these last 5 months, I feel like what I've been doing can be summarized into 2 things. Minecraft and K-Drama's! I couldn't get enough of both of them, which put my android learning experience on a bit of a hiatus unfortunately.

But, no more! My hunger to dabble in Android development has resurfaced. And to satiate that hunger, I decided to push out new update to my Would You Rather Kids android app. The goal I set for this update is to allow users to choose their own theme.

In order to render my theme selection activity, I used a combination of GridLayout, CardView and ImageView (along with a ScrollView of course). The structure looked as follows:














After the user makes a selection, I'd store a reference to that theme in the SharedPreferences. When the main activity is displayed, it reads the theme to be rendered from that S.P.

All in all, it took a couple of hours over the course of this week to string things together. I think my main takeaway point from this update, was how to add scrollbars to various layouts. It's super simple with ScrollView, but it actually took me quite a bit of googling to find that out. Also, be sure to name your resource Id's appropriately! It'll go a long when building larger applications. I follow the pattern of <xml name>_<object name>_<description>. eg: "content_theme_image_view_red_blue".

If you haven't given my app a download yet, please do (by clicking on image below) or going to URL, I really appreciate it :) 

Looking forward to the next challenge and the next thing to learn! 


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